client project
site redesign
Lili Claspe
A beautifully redesigned ecommerce mobile & website of Lili Caslpe with high end jewelry, showcasing mocks that intrigues the user.
visit project
All work done at SeedCMS

The main problem that needed to be solved for Lili Claspe was the need for an easier shopping experience. The previous live site was having issues with functionality and the client was re-branding with a new look, as the UX/UI designer working on this project - I had to ensure that the re-branding matched with the new sites design aesthetic.

To ensure all assets are following this design identity, we also presented the client with a styleguide to refer to moving forward

In the process of revamping the whole website for a new look, the main area of focus was the homepage, product page, and checkout process.

The product page had to be designed with a new updated look, and the old checkout process was very confusing and not guiding users correctly, so I had to make sure the user flow was properly designed and updated with a new check out process.

top-to-bottom: home, checkout & product pages